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Journal of Technologic Dentistry 2024; 46(4): 182-188

Published online December 30, 2024


© Korean Academy of Dental Technology

치과기공사 국가시험의 CBT (computer-based testing) 적용에 대한 인식 조사


신한대학교 보건대학 치기공학과

Received: October 29, 2024; Revised: November 24, 2024; Accepted: December 2, 2024

Perceptions of the application of computer-based testing in the National Examination for Dental Technicians

Sun-Kyoung Lee

Department of Dental Technology, College of Biotechnology & Health, Shinhan University, Uijeongbu, Korea

Correspondence to :
Sun-Kyoung Lee
Department of Dental Technology, College of Biotechnology & Health, Shinhan University, 95 Hoam-ro, Uijeongbu 11644, Korea
E-mail: oksk3737@hanmail.net

Received: October 29, 2024; Revised: November 24, 2024; Accepted: December 2, 2024

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the perception of the application of computer-based testing (CBT) in the National Examination for Dental Technicians.
Methods: Duly filled survey questionnaires were received from 180 third- and fourth-grade student volunteers from all over the country and 30 professors and 32 clinicians who were identified from a convenience sample from September 15, 2020 to September 23, 2020. In total, 242 questionnaires were analyzed. Depending on the characteristics of the data, frequency, percentage, and one-way ANOVA were performed. Scheffe test was used as a post-hoc test, and the significance level was set at 0.05. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 21.0 (IBM).
Results: Compared with paper-based testing, CBT significantly increased immersion and concentration on the test and prevented cheating during the examination (p<0.05). Students, professors, and clinicians expressed significant opinions on the validity of applying CBT to the National Examination for Dental Technicians (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The use of CBT can improve job evaluations for dental technicians efficiently and accurately, and reflect the actual work environment by combining job performance evaluation with digital technology. The introduction of CBT may improve the quality of dental technician job evaluations and cultivate talents who can adopt digital technology.

Keywords: Computer-based testing (CBT), Dental technicians, Digital technology, National examination, Paper-based test (PBT)


Original Article

Journal of Technologic Dentistry 2024; 46(4): 182-188

Published online December 30, 2024 https://doi.org/10.14347/jtd.2024.46.4.182

Copyright © Korean Academy of Dental Technology.

치과기공사 국가시험의 CBT (computer-based testing) 적용에 대한 인식 조사


신한대학교 보건대학 치기공학과

Received: October 29, 2024; Revised: November 24, 2024; Accepted: December 2, 2024

Perceptions of the application of computer-based testing in the National Examination for Dental Technicians

Sun-Kyoung Lee

Department of Dental Technology, College of Biotechnology & Health, Shinhan University, Uijeongbu, Korea

Correspondence to:Sun-Kyoung Lee
Department of Dental Technology, College of Biotechnology & Health, Shinhan University, 95 Hoam-ro, Uijeongbu 11644, Korea
E-mail: oksk3737@hanmail.net

Received: October 29, 2024; Revised: November 24, 2024; Accepted: December 2, 2024

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the perception of the application of computer-based testing (CBT) in the National Examination for Dental Technicians.
Methods: Duly filled survey questionnaires were received from 180 third- and fourth-grade student volunteers from all over the country and 30 professors and 32 clinicians who were identified from a convenience sample from September 15, 2020 to September 23, 2020. In total, 242 questionnaires were analyzed. Depending on the characteristics of the data, frequency, percentage, and one-way ANOVA were performed. Scheffe test was used as a post-hoc test, and the significance level was set at 0.05. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 21.0 (IBM).
Results: Compared with paper-based testing, CBT significantly increased immersion and concentration on the test and prevented cheating during the examination (p<0.05). Students, professors, and clinicians expressed significant opinions on the validity of applying CBT to the National Examination for Dental Technicians (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The use of CBT can improve job evaluations for dental technicians efficiently and accurately, and reflect the actual work environment by combining job performance evaluation with digital technology. The introduction of CBT may improve the quality of dental technician job evaluations and cultivate talents who can adopt digital technology.

Keywords: Computer-based testing (CBT), Dental technicians, Digital technology, National examination, Paper-based test (PBT)

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Journal of Technologic Dentistry

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