
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords

Journal of Technologic Dentistry 2003; 25(1): 161-171

Published online July 12, 2003

© Korean Academy of Dental Technology

치과(齒科) 이용실태(利用實態)및 행동의식(行動意識)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)


대구보건대학 치기공과;

Study on the Realities of Utilization and Consciousness of Behavior with Dental Clinics

Lee, Jong-Do;

Dept. of Dental Laboratory Technology, Taegu Health College;


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of parents knowledge on oral health status toward their children. This study was carried out to investigate and analyze the cognitive degree of dental subjects and general public who have an experience to be treated for their dental knowledge, operative dentistry, and dental prothesis in the oral health care through the questionnaires. The results are as follows : 1 : In questioning the frequency in the visitation of dental clinic, 68.8% usually go to see dentists, if children's teeth have trouble. It was the reason that economical standard and educational level were enhanced as before. 57.6% took a kind of medical measures. 2 : In surveying the preference of dentists’ age or gender, 56.9% preferred younger dentists to older or female dentists. On the contrary, 56.9% children want younger dentists, and 64.8% children want female dentist doctor. As a conclusion, the preference of dentists’ age or gender is relevant with a view to remove big horror, which can be evoked by dental measures. 3 : In questioning the possession amount of decayed teeth, 45.8% have more than four. Usually those parents who have children filled their decayed teeth with artificial or installed with dental prosthesis. As a conclusion, age is relevant in this study in p<0.05 level. 4 : In asking for efficient starting-year of tooth brushing, 42.6% said that 2 or 3 year age is the most efficient, and especially 80.6% teach children to learn brushing themselves. (P<0.05). As a conclusion, the voluntary brushing can be good behaviour for good dental health. 5 : In surveying the way they obtained dental information, 38.9% were given form mass media, but 90% were once not delivered with the education of dental health. Because parents have been known narrow and deficient information of dental health through mass media, experts in dental health have to deliver help their parents to be delivered with systematical dental information. The conclusion of this study can be summarized that parents' role is very important to their children's tooth health and the education program for systematical dental information should be delivered to their parents.

Keywords: Oral health,Dental clinics and Behavior,


Journal of Technologic Dentistry 2003; 25(1): 161-171

Published online July 12, 2003

Copyright © Korean Academy of Dental Technology.

치과(齒科) 이용실태(利用實態)및 행동의식(行動意識)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)


대구보건대학 치기공과;

Study on the Realities of Utilization and Consciousness of Behavior with Dental Clinics

Lee, Jong-Do;

Dept. of Dental Laboratory Technology, Taegu Health College;


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of parents knowledge on oral health status toward their children. This study was carried out to investigate and analyze the cognitive degree of dental subjects and general public who have an experience to be treated for their dental knowledge, operative dentistry, and dental prothesis in the oral health care through the questionnaires. The results are as follows : 1 : In questioning the frequency in the visitation of dental clinic, 68.8% usually go to see dentists, if children's teeth have trouble. It was the reason that economical standard and educational level were enhanced as before. 57.6% took a kind of medical measures. 2 : In surveying the preference of dentists’ age or gender, 56.9% preferred younger dentists to older or female dentists. On the contrary, 56.9% children want younger dentists, and 64.8% children want female dentist doctor. As a conclusion, the preference of dentists’ age or gender is relevant with a view to remove big horror, which can be evoked by dental measures. 3 : In questioning the possession amount of decayed teeth, 45.8% have more than four. Usually those parents who have children filled their decayed teeth with artificial or installed with dental prosthesis. As a conclusion, age is relevant in this study in p<0.05 level. 4 : In asking for efficient starting-year of tooth brushing, 42.6% said that 2 or 3 year age is the most efficient, and especially 80.6% teach children to learn brushing themselves. (P<0.05). As a conclusion, the voluntary brushing can be good behaviour for good dental health. 5 : In surveying the way they obtained dental information, 38.9% were given form mass media, but 90% were once not delivered with the education of dental health. Because parents have been known narrow and deficient information of dental health through mass media, experts in dental health have to deliver help their parents to be delivered with systematical dental information. The conclusion of this study can be summarized that parents' role is very important to their children's tooth health and the education program for systematical dental information should be delivered to their parents.

Keywords: Oral health,Dental clinics and Behavior,

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Journal of Technologic Dentistry

eISSN 2288-5218
pISSN 1229-3954
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