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Current Issue Volume 46, Number 4, December 2024


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Aims and Scope

Journal of Technologic Dentistry (J Tech Dent, JTD), as the official journal of The Korean Academy of Dental Technology, publishes original papers on the theories, practices, education, research and clinical research in the field of dental technology. Additionally, it publishes reports of innovative techniques and clinical treatment, systematic reviews of topics of interest to the field of prosthodontics, reviews of new instrumentation and products, new uses for existing material, digital technology advances related to prosthodontics. Case reports provide information on dental prosthesis and treatment, and document the fabrication process.

Dental CAD/CAM System
(Scanner, CNC, 3D printer)

Glass ceramic etc.)

Geriatric Dentistry
(Complete Denture/Partial Denure)

Dental Materials/
Public Oral Health

Editorial Office

Journal of Technologic Dentistry

eISSN 2288-5218
pISSN 1229-3954
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